how to save english jobs during the credit crunch.
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
2009-02-02 15:07:21 UTC
so you've worked hard, keeping a roof over you and your familys head,
food in thier stomachs and helping the economy tick over quite nicely.

that is up until now. due to banks gread and stupidity it is all in
jeopardy and you could loose it all and have your house repossesed
like so many other people. and do you know what? you see on the news
italians coming over and taking jobs that should go to hard working
englishmen. stop the thin end of the wedge getting bigger and kill a
wop now. or if you want to help more, kill any other unwanted
immigrant and save an englismans job.

don't forget people, vote bnp at the next election and help keep
britain for the british.
2009-02-02 16:13:26 UTC
X-Newsreader: slrn/ (Debian)
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Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 10:13:26 -0600
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Post by metro-golden-meower
so you've worked hard, keeping a roof over you and your familys head,
food in thier stomachs and helping the economy tick over quite
Post by metro-golden-meower
that is up until now. due to banks gread and stupidity it is all in
jeopardy and you could loose it all and have your house repossesed
like so many other people. and do you know what? you see on the news
italians coming over and taking jobs that should go to hard working
englishmen. stop the thin end of the wedge getting bigger and kill a
wop now. or if you want to help more, kill any other unwanted
immigrant and save an englismans job.
don't forget people, vote bnp at the next election and help keep
britain for the british.
Interesting. I see this type of ugly nationalism spreading to other
countries soon as people look for a scapegoat for the economy's
Hint: its the fucking banks wot got us into this, mate.
Kill the fucking banksters?
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2009-02-02 17:44:14 UTC
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by metro-golden-meower
so you've worked hard, keeping a roof over you and your familys head,
food in thier stomachs and helping the economy tick over quite
Post by metro-golden-meower
that is up until now. due to banks gread and stupidity it is all in
jeopardy and you could loose it all and have your house repossesed
like so many other people. and do you know what? you see on the news
italians coming over and taking jobs that should go to hard working
englishmen. stop the thin end of the wedge getting bigger and kill a
wop now. or if you want to help more, kill any other unwanted
immigrant and save an englismans job.
don't forget people, vote bnp at the next election and help keep
britain for the british.
Interesting. I see this type of ugly nationalism spreading to other
countries soon as people look for a scapegoat for the economy's
Hint: its the fucking banks wot got us into this, mate.
Kill the fucking banksters?
gurer vf fbzrguvat fgenatr tbvat ba urer. v unq gb znxr frireny
nggrzcgf vapyhqvat punatvat gur cbfgf anzr gb trg vg gb cbfg nf gur
arjf freire v'z hfvat fnvq vg jnf n fcnz cbfg!!!1! nsgre purpxvat urer
naq fpo, v frr gung zbfg bs gurz jrag. fgenatr fuvg vaqrrq.
2009-02-03 15:36:29 UTC
X-Newsreader: slrn/ (Debian)
Message-ID: <YpqdnanHmrTg-***@centurytel.net>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2009 09:36:29 -0600
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Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com free.it.lingua.italiano.grammatica:3334 soc.culture.italian:287699 soc.culture.british:1227973 alt.usenet.kooks:1838655 alt.flame:962442
fb lbh'ir jbexrq uneq, xrrcvat n ebbs bire lbh naq lbhe snzvylf
sbbq va guvre fgbznpuf naq urycvat gur rpbabzl gvpx bire dhvgr
gung vf hc hagvy abj. qhr gb onaxf ternq naq fghcvqvgl vg vf nyy va
wrbcneql naq lbh pbhyq ybbfr vg nyy naq unir lbhe ubhfr ercbffrfrq
yvxr fb znal bgure crbcyr. naq qb lbh xabj jung? lbh frr ba gur
vgnyvnaf pbzvat bire naq gnxvat wbof gung fubhyq tb gb uneq jbexvat
ratyvfuzra. fgbc gur guva raq bs gur jrqtr trggvat ovttre naq xvyy
jbc abj. be vs lbh jnag gb uryc zber, xvyy nal bgure hajnagrq
vzzvtenag naq fnir na ratyvfznaf wbo.
qba'g sbetrg crbcyr, ibgr oac ng gur arkg ryrpgvba naq uryc xrrc
oevgnva sbe gur oevgvfu.
Vagrerfgvat. V frr guvf glcr bs htyl angvbanyvfz fcernqvat gb bgure
pbhagevrf fbba nf crbcyr ybbx sbe n fpncrtbng sbe gur rpbabzl'f
Uvag: vgf gur shpxvat onaxf jbg tbg hf vagb guvf, zngr.
Xvyy gur shpxvat onaxfgref?
there is something strange going on here. i had to make several
attempts including changing the posts name to get it to post as the
news server i'm using said it was a spam post!!!1! after checking here
and scb, i see that most of them went. strange shit indeed.
Maybe x-privat does some filtering on subject?
I dont use them since they seemed to have an odd buisness model of a
bait & switch type.

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